I have been an active volunteer with the Red Cross since December 2019, and it has just been amazing. Through this blog, I would like to share my experience and what exactly I have been doing.
Becoming a Red Cross Volunteer
I had just been in Canada for 2 months when I realized I have quite a lot of free time on me after my job and full-time studies, so I decided to put it to a good use.
I looked up online to find volunteer opportunities near me and came across the Canadian Red Cross website. I had heard about the organization back in India as well. I followed the simple steps of application, finished background checks, gave an interview, and went onboard.
SmartStart Injury Prevention
I applied for the facilitator position with the SmartStart program. SmartStart, a Canadian Red Cross program, helps newcomers - immigrants, refugees, and new Canadians - get familiar with safety in their new province. In about 75 minutes, the workshop covers recognizing emergencies, responding effectively, and preventing injuries at home. See this poster for details.
And yes, that’s me on the poster!
Why did I choose this program?
Being a newcomer myself, I was attracted to this approach. I myself wanted to be a participant in this program to learn everything they had to offer. So, I thought why not volunteer and I will keep learning as I go, plus I can share my own experiences and relate to the audience. Four years down, and I am glad I chose it. I learned a lot of tips and immediately put them to use.
On the same day after completing my very first program presentation as a participant, while on my way home, I noticed an unconscious man at a bus shelter. Upon closer inspection, it was clear he required assistance. Because of the 911 protocol I had just learned in the presentation, I knew the exact actions to take. Prompt help arrived, and the man recovered well. I felt grateful for being able to assist him, acknowledging the program's impact. I am confident that participants of this program also put the acquired knowledge into practice in their daily lives.
My Red Cross volunteer experience
I joined in December 2019, pre-covid. During that time, presentations were held in-person. For the very first presentation that I attended as a volunteer, I was an observer too. I was there to learn. I did not present any topics, but I helped with preparations for the event. I set up the pamphlet bundles, placed them on the tables, set the prompts making sure they will be ready to use by the facilitator and organized the seating layout for maximum engagement.

Soon Covid hit, but we did not stop. We continued through zoom. Dates and times are now sent to us volunteers through emails about when the next presentations will be held. Then, depending upon our availability, we choose the days and respond back. Once enough volunteers have responded back for the dates, practice sessions are held. During this time, we choose what topics will be discussed by who and then we simply practice our parts with each other making sure the presentation runs smoothly. One volunteer is appointed as tech support to run the presentation on zoom and answer any questions through chat.
Currently, the event is hybrid. We sometimes do in-person and at other times, online.
I really enjoy being a part and helping others that too from the comfort of my own home. Recently I have been very busy with my schedules but whenever I can, I love I to go to the office to help with any tasks needed or to set up information bundles for in-person meetings.
I referred my roommate to the program as she had noticed me doing presentations at home, and she loves it too. I now inspired my brother who just came to Canada, to join as well.
If you would like to become a part, you can follow the steps on their website here.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about my experience, you can leave a comment below.
Thank you for reading and stay inspired!